Jett Travolta passed away 2009
Another young celebrity, although not as young as Jett Travolta, died in 2008. His name was Heath Ledger. The cause of death was a medicine overdose, which caused a heated debate in the media and with the life insurance company.
Jett Travolta's death also sparked controversy, with the ongoing Scientology church debate heating up. John Travolta is one of the famous Scientology members. and it is said that Scientology has a demeaning view of the disabled and the sick. Jett Travolta suffered from seizures his entire youth, so Scientology officials must have had an opinion about that.
When a young celebrity like Heath Ledger or Jett Travolta dies, there is always controversy. The family members are usually best served by not responding to the endless media questions, which the Travolta family members seem to do.
Jett Travolta Dies
January 2, 2009, Jett Travolta dies of seizures while vacationing in the Bahama's with his parents and sister. 3 days later, January 5, Bahamian authorities issued an official death certificate. The death certificate stated that the cause of death was indeed a seizure. Jett Travolta was said to suffer from Kawasaki disease since childhood.
A statement was released bij John Travolta, saying he is heartbroken over the loss of his son. Jett was cremated January 6, 2009. His family has traveled back to Florida with the ashes, where they have turned them over to an Ocala funeral home in Florida. Rest in Peace Jett.
Jett Travolta information
Jett Travolta was born the 13th of April, 1992. He is the son of acotr John Travolta and actress Kelly Preston. Jet Travolta has had a history of seizures and troublesome medical conditions, since early childhood. His parents have mostly succeeded in keeping him out of the spotlights and gossip magazines.
The second of january, 2009, Jett Travolta died of seizure while vacationing in the Bahama's with his parents and his sister, Ella Bleu Travolta. Statements of the family have said that Jett suffered from Kawasaki disease since early childhood.
Rumors are flying about the cause of death, influence of the Scientology church and other things, but the Travolta family only states that they are heartbroken.
Jett Travolta
Jett Travolta overlijdt
Op 2 januari 2009 stierf Jett Travolta aan de gevolgen van een toeval. Jett was samen met zijn familie, John Travolta, Kelly Preston en zusje Ella Bleu Travolta op vakantie in de Bahama's.
3 dagen later, op 5 januari, werd het overlijdenscertificaat vrijgegeven. Nadat de autopsieresultaten bekend werden heeft John Travolta de verklaring gedaan 'een gebroken hart' te hebben. John Travolta verloor al eerder bijna zijn zoon.
Jett is 6 januari gecremeerd en zijn ouders zijn naar Florida gereisd met de as om het af te geven bij een begraafplaats in Ocala, Florida. Familie Travolta alle sterkte toegewenst met dit verlies.