Jett Travolta passed away 2009

As the news of Jett Travolta's death rippled through the media, many people remembered the death of other young celebrities. Although Jett Travolta was kept out of the spotlights and had not gone for fame, the Travolta name was and is immensely popular. The Travolta celebrity status came with the name and Jett Travolta must have had tough times in his youth because of the responsibility that celebrity brings.

Another young celebrity, although not as young as Jett Travolta, died in 2008. His name was Heath Ledger. The cause of death was a medicine overdose, which caused a heated debate in the media and with the life insurance company.

Jett Travolta's death also sparked controversy, with the ongoing Scientology church debate heating up. John Travolta is one of the famous Scientology members. and it is said that Scientology has a demeaning view of the disabled and the sick. Jett Travolta suffered from seizures his entire youth, so Scientology officials must have had an opinion about that.

When a young celebrity like Heath Ledger or Jett Travolta dies, there is always controversy. The family members are usually best served by not responding to the endless media questions, which the Travolta family members seem to do.